10 Week Power Building
You guys what to get strong and big? I do! After a few months of kind of going through the motions in my own training, I’ve decided to get my sh*t together, make some goals and get on a program. When you’ve been lifting as long as I have, you need to refocus every once in a while.
Now let’s get to the fun stuff. This will be a 10 week program, split into 3 blocks. Within each block, we will progressively over loading our deadlift, squat and bench. My focus is hypertrophy for Powerlifting Building is to build bigger muscles to help with my big 3 not to do a bodybuilding show (nobody needs to see me walking on stage, oiled up in a bikini HA!)
If you have any questions, feel free to message me here. Let’s do some strong things!
Block 1 - Weeks 1-3
Monday - Deadlifts, Posterior Focused Legs
Deadlift 4x6
Glute Ham Raise 4x10
Glute Ham Roller Leg Curl 3x20
Bulgarian Split Squat 4x6
a)Band TKE 3x20
b)Hatfield Squat 3x8
Tuesday - Bench Press, Chest and Shoulders
Bench Press 5x6
High Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8
a)Dumbbell Chest Fly 3x12
b)Dumbbell Lat Raise 3x12
a)Dips 4x10
b)Cable Face Pulls 3x15
c)Band Pull Aparts 3x20
Wednesday - Lat Focused Back and Biceps
Supine Lat Pulldown 5x12
Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4x8
Barbell Supine Row 4x6
a)Lat Pullover 3x8
b)Lat Pressdown 3x15
Biceps 4x10
Biceps 3x12
Thursday - Squat, Quad Focused Legs
Band TKE 5x20
Hack Squat 5x10
Hatfield Squat 4x12,8,6,6
Single Leg RDL 4x6
Single Leg Curl 4x10
Friday - Shoulders Focused Push and Triceps
Dumbbell Overhead Press 4x6
Dumbbell Lat Raise 4x12
a)Behind Head Pulldowns 4x8
b)Dumbbell Chest Supported Rev Fly 4x15
EZ Bar Front Raise 3x12
Triceps 3x8
Triceps 3x15
Saturday - Mid Back Focused Pull
Pull Ups 20
Landmine Row 4x8
V-Bar Leaning Pulldown 4x12
Single Arm Dumbbell Croc Row 3x6
Seated Cable Row 3x12
Biceps 4x10
Biceps 3x15
Block 2 Weeks 4-6
Monday - Deadlifts, Posterior Focused Legs
2'“ Block Deadlift 3x5
Barbell RDL 4x8
Bulgarian Split Squat 4x6
Glute Ham Raise 3x10
Glute Ham Roller Leg Curl 3x20
Front Squat 3x5
Tuesday - Bench Press, Chest and Shoulders
Bench Press 4x8
High Incline Dumbbell Press 4x12
a)Dips 4x10
b)Dumbbell Lat Raise 4x8
Reverse Fly 3x15
a)Triceps 3x8
b)Triceps 3x15
Wednesday - Lat Focused Back
Pull Ups 3xAMRAP
Lat Pressdown 3x20
V-Bar Pulldown 4x8
Chest Supported Row 3x8
Seated Cable Row 4x12
Thursday - Squat, Quad Focused Legs
Squat 3x5,1xAMRAP
Hack Squat 4x15
Band TKE 3x20
Leg Curl 3x20
Step Ups 3x8
Friday - Shoulders Focused Push and Triceps
a)Band Pull Aparts 5x20
b)Band Lat Raises 5x20
Seated Dumbbell OH Press 4x20
Dumbbell Lat Raises 4x8
a)Front Raise 3x12
b)Cable Face Pull 3x20
Reverse Fly 3x15
Triceps 3x8
Triceps 4x20
Saturday - Mid Back Focused Pull
a)Back Extensions 3x20
b)Lat Pulldown 3x20
Barbell Row 12,8,6,6
Landmine Row 4x6
Seated Wide Grip Cable Row 4x20
Biceps 4x10
Biceps 3x15
Block 3 Weeks 7-10
Holy Volume! - Now that we’re acclimated to a little more volume, it’s time to increase the workload
Monday - Deadlifts, Posterior Focused Legs
a)Leg Curl 5x20
b)Hip Thrust 5x20
Barbell RDL 1x10,8,6,6,6
Bulgarian Split Squat 4x10
Glute Ham Raise 4x15
Hack Squat 3x20
Tuesday - Bench Press, Chest and Shoulders
Wide Grip Inc Bench Press 4x10
Dumbbell Chest Press 4x20
a)Machine Inc Chest Press 3x20
b)Dumbbell Fly 3x15
a)Lat Raise 3x20
b)Face Pull 3x20
Wednesday - Lat Focused Back
Lat Pulldown 5x8
Lat Pressdown 4x20
1 Arm Cable Pulldown 4x12
1 Arm Dumbbell Row 4x8
Seated Cable Supine Row 4x12
Thursday - Squat, Quad Focused Legs
Band TKE 5x20
Front Squat 1x12,8,6,6,6
Hack Squat 5x10
a)TRX Single Leg Squat 3x10
b)Step Ups 3x8
Split Squat 4x6
Friday - Shoulders Focused Push and Triceps
a)Band Pull Aparts 5x20
b)Band Lat Raise 5x20
a)Seated Dumbbell OH Press 4x12
b)Cable Face Pull 4x15
Reverse Fly 4x20
Saturday - Mid Back Focused Pull
a)Back Extensions 5x20
b)Lat Pulldown 5x20
Barbell High Row 12,10,8,6,6
Chest Supported Row 3x6 1x12
Seated Cable Row 4x20